Sometimes stress and anger can take weeks or months to manifest itself so take the time to look after yourself. If you feel a need to express your feelings, ensure you talk to someone you feel comfortable with. Some useful contacts for assistance and advice are listed below, courtesy of
As the impact of a major incident, such as a flood or other severe weather, continues to become evident, so may the persistent feelings of isolation, distress, anxiety and, in some cases, depression. If you think you or someone you know needs assistance to cope with these or any other symptoms you should contact your regular GP or local Mental Health Service.
These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reproduced by permission, NSW Health © 2019
Bega Valley Shire Council supports destination marketing by funding and working in partnership with Sapphire Coast Destination Marketing and our Visitor Information Centres to help promote the Sapphire Coast and its visitor economy.
Imagery courtesy Sapphire Coast Destination Marketing,
David Rogers Photography & Destination NSW.