Tourism Services

Tourism Services

Sapphire Coast Destination Marketing is the peak tourism body for the Bega Valley Shire, delivering destination management services on behalf of Bega Valley Shire Council, for the period 2024-2028. 

Tourism services under this contract cover two distinct areas.  The provision of tourism office responsibilities to interface with local, state and federal industry stakeholders and also the planning and implementation of destination promotional activities during visitation to the region. 

Key contract deliverables include developing, managing and implementing a yearly Activity Plan which includes specific actions, projects, tasks and campaigns, all aligned to broader regional destination management objectives with a focus on destination promotion, industry development and partnerships.

Contact us by email on, by phone on +61 2 8091 4124 or by post at PO Box 463 , Pambula 2549.

For enquiries regarding the former contract managers, Sapphire Coast Tourism Ltd, please contact Bega Valley Shire Council on 6499 2222.

SCDM work closely with our state and federal tourism partners and Bega Valley Shire Council.  Connect with them below.

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